I will praise You
Elohim Tsidkenu
Shalom Shalom Shalom
Elohim Shaddai, We Praise You Adonai
(I Will Praise You, Yahovah Rohi)
Shalom Shalom Shalom
(Elohim El Shaddai, We Praise You Adonai)
I will praise You
I will love You
I’m gonna keep You
Lifting up my praise before You
My redeemer
Jesus my healer
I will bless You
Lifting up my praise before You
Gonna jump up higher
Till the heavens open
We can see all His glory
As we bow before You
Holy holy holy as we sing
You are so mighty
I feel the beat in my heart
Right at the cross where it starts
Jesus You are my Victory
Here come the tears in my eyes
Open the eyes of the blind
Jesus we shout Your victory
I will praise You
I will love You
I’m gonna keep You
Lifting up my praise before You
My redeemer
Jesus my healer
I will bless You
Lifting up my praise before You
I will praise You
I will love You
I’m gonna keep You
Lifting up my praise before You
My redeemer
Jesus my healer
I will bless You
Lifting up my praise before You
My constant request
Has never been at rest
The same voice that brought
The stars into existence
Speaks my name with love and truth
Seeking of Your face
I’m totally amazed
A thousand time I fail
Your mercy still remains
He knows what we tell Him
Every problem sorrow burden
The desire to be loved and seen
Is met in Jesus alone
A mess into a message
Trials into triumph
Test to testimonies
You alone
I will praise You
I will love You
I’m gonna keep You
Lifting up my praise before You
My redeemer
Jesus my healer
I will bless You
Lifting up my praise before You
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